It was a pleasure having you as our guests at our Final Online Conference. We hope it was a valuable experience for you too and you appreciated the insights provided by our speakers. We are happy to share the presentations used during the session.

Welcome speech and overview of the agenda by Serena Scotton (EHPA). Presentation here.

Project introduction by the Project Coordinator Marcello Aprile & Paolo Zancanella (Politecnico di Milano). Presentation here

“EC update on current policy support for the renovation of buildings”by Eleftherios Bourdakis (European Commission). Presentation here

Presentation of the demo sites’ results:

Overview of the project’s goals achieved Rossano Scoccia (Politecnico di Milano). Presentation here

“Heat4Cool exploitation strategy” by Hugo Grasset (Solintel). Presentation here

“Overview of the European Heating and Cooling policy framework” by Jozefien Vanbecelaere (EHPA). Presentation here

Recording :

Graphic recording leaflet downloadable  here

Pictures from the event: