Heat4Cool at the “100% RenewableHeating and Cooling for a sustainable future” workshop

28th of October 2019, Helsinki (Finland)

On the 28th of October 2019, Rossano Scoccia (from the Politecnico di Milano) presented the Heat4Cool project at the “100% Renewable Heating and Cooling for a sustainable future” conference, organised by the Eu­ro­pean Tech­nol­ogy & In­no­va­tion Plat­form on Re­new­able Heat­ing and Cool­ing (RHC ETIP).

The scope of the work­shop was to show­case in­no­v­a­tive pro­jects re­lated to re­new­able heat­ing and cool­ing tech­nolo­gies and best prac­tices for their de­ploy­ment and in­te­gra­tion. The main ob­jec­tive was to give vis­i­bil­ity to promis­ing R&I pro­jects and to favour ex­change of knowl­edge among sec­tor stake­hold­ers.

The Heat4Cool project was presented among others, in the “Building session”. 

You can find and download the presentation made by Rossano Scoccia here.

Some pictures of the event: